Neuropsychology and psychology
Neuropsychology is a special field of psychology focusing on brain disorders that affect memory, learning, attention, language, spatial skills, problem solving, and decision making.
Neuropsychologists have advanced skills in assessment, diagnosis, and rehabilitation of brain disorders. A brain scan can show the structure of the brain (i.e. what it looks like), but a neuropsychologist shows the function of the brain (i.e. how it works).
Neuropsychologists are trained to understand the cognitive (i.e. thinking), emotional, and behavioural effects of a wide range of brain conditions. This may include stroke, dementia, multiple sclerosis, traumatic brain injury, and a vast range of other neurological conditions.
to our new provisional psychologist
Neuropsychologists work with people with brain disorders which affect a person’s thinking, behaviour, and emotions. Neuropsychologists have skills in assessment, diagnosis, management, and rehabilitation of brain disorders. They can conduct detailed tests of thinking skills, including memory, attention, and planning.
Our neuropsychology service caters to adults, offering three broad types of service:
1. Assessment
To provide a diagnosis, or a better understanding of a client’s brain functioning.
2. Behaviour support
To better understand the functions of challenging behaviours, and reduce the frequency and distress associated with behaviours of concern (such as verbal or physical aggression).
3. Cognitive rehabilitation
Training in strategies such as memory, social skills, or anger management.
The following are example referral questions that can be answered by neuropsychology:
Does the person have a brain condition such as acquired brain injury, dementia, or intellectual disability?
What are their cognitive strengths and weaknesses?
Can the person manage their own finances and medical conditions, or do they need a Guardian or Administrator?
How can the client be best supported to return to work or study after a brain injury?
What types of support might the person need, and how can staff best communicate with the person?
What strategies can the person use to compensate for their memory or other cognitive difficulties?
Clinical psychology
Clinical psychologists specialise in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of a range of mental health, behavioural and emotional difficulties over the lifespan. Clinical psychologists in this setting have a special interest in providing assessment, psychological interventions and devising appropriate management strategies for individuals with neurological conditions.
Helpful resources
Psychology and Positive Behaviour Support
What to expect from Psychology and Positive Behaviour Support sessions with NeuroRehab Allied Health Network. Click the image to download the flyer.
Coping During COVID-19
COVID-19 has brought many changes to the way we live. For people living with disability, there are added complexities, such as changes to supports or anxiety about COVID-19. Existing issues can be exacerbated. Strong emotions and behaviours of concern may be displayed more often.
The Psychology team at NeuroRehab Allied Health Network has put together a list of Tips For Looking After Your Mental Health during COVID-19. Click on the image to download and print.