Early Childhood Program

Our Early Childhood Program supports infants and preschool children and their families or caregivers in early assessment and services in early childhood years. Activities are play based and targeted to encourage the learning and development of the child. The program is reinforced and complemented in family or early childhood settings such as playgroups, childcare, kindergartens and preschools.

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Girl sleeping on side

Settling & sleep

Our team provides education, support and reassurance for families around settling and sleep. We can work with you to develop and implement routines, tune into your child’s cues and needs, and build your confidence in this area.

Child eating from bowl in sunny kitchen


Our team provides support and education around eating skills. We can assist nutrition and recommend food types and recipes, promote safe swallowing and mealtime enjoyment, develop self-feeding skills and recommend equipment to support mealtimes.

Therpist and toddler playing with tea set

Play & learning

Play is more than just fun for children; it is how they learn. Our team can promote play and learning skills by supporting emotional regulation, movement, communication, social interaction and thinking skills. We use play in all our therapy sessions.

Therapy with toddler grasping and throwing small beanbags

Gross & fine motor skills

Our team provide support and education to develop your child’s posture and movement skills – reaching, grasping and manipulation skills needed for daily activities and play. Using a modified environment, along with play and activities which challenge your child, we can improve motor control, strength, endurance and coordination of different muscle groups. We can also support use of equipment, stretching, botox and casting programs to improve posture and alignment.

Sensory processing & integration

When children are over or under sensitive to different stimulation such as touch, noise or smells, it can be difficult for them to play and grow. Our team can assess possible sensory sensitivities and provide therapy to help reduce the impact of these. We can also help you purchase aids and equipment to modify sensations.


Communication therapy assists the family and carers as well as the child. We work with children to build communication skills including talking, gesturing and using aids. We also work with families to tune into children’s unique communication styles and to build positive relationships.

Social & emotional skills

In early childhood, building connections with caregivers and participating in social interactions is important to create a strong emotional foundation. Our team can support emotional and social connections by identifying strengths and assessing barriers, supporting communication and emotional regulation and finding unique strategies for each family to use to interact effectively, respond to emotional and social needs and promote specific skill development.

Child with MS receiving neurological physiotherapy

Pain management

Pain can affect all aspects of a child’s life. Our therapy team can support pain management through education, positioning, aids and equipment and working collaboratively with Paediatricians and GPs.

Therapist with toddler using walking aide

Aids & equipment

Aids and equipment can support a child to become more independent and participate in life more fully and freely. Our team can recommend, measure, trial, set up and provide training for aids and equipment.